
My Rose of Sharon is Blooming But.....

I finally have my first bloom! After months of waiting, my Rose of Sharon is now flowering but we are expecting a flash flood as the major river in our city is overflowing and heavy rain is expected. We have secured the house and I only hope that the flood would not be as bad as expected so my garden will be safe.

I would like to ask for your prayer for my host country, Thailand. Many of the provinces are now submerged in water and major roads are impassable. This weekend, the capital city, Bangkok, where I live, is expected to be hit hard by flash flood.

Although, I care for my garden but I care more for the millions of families that are affected.

Thank you for you prayers.


  1. lovely flowers! thanks for joining weekend flowers. can you please update the backlink. it´s still leading to my old blog. thanks :)

  2. Your flowers are gorgeous and I hope they stay so.
    I'm praying for your family and countryman, hope you are OK.
    Stay safe!

  3. I just lvoe your Rose of Sharon...I have a white with pink in center. I am new to blogging. You are welcome to drop by...http://frommylittlecorneroftheworld.blogspot.com/

  4. Love your Rose of Sharon, I have one white with pink in center. Blessing to you through out the day. You are welcome to drop by http://frommylittlecorneroftheworld.blogspot.com/

  5. Lovely capture Sharon.. I'm officially following ya.. (Participating in flowers on a Sat.) :)) Loving your shot.. Hope you can visit me sometime.. :))

  6. I love Rose of Sharon!!! What wonderful shots!!

  7. Your macro photo is gorgeous. It is composed really well. Well done.

  8. absolutely beautiful! i love the color. great macro shots.

    it seems nobody has been spared with flooding. it's a wake up call, we need to take good care of our planet.

  9. Lovely!
    The raindrops are an added enhancement. :)
    Hoping the flood doesn't cause any major problems for you.

  10. Beautiful lavender Rose of Sharon! I prayed and will pray more for the people of Bangkok and elsewhere in Thailand that they and their homes and other building s will be spared.

  11. Praying, indeed.
    Thanks for sharing this beautiful Rose of Sharon.


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