
Dragonfly In My Garden

I was out in the garden early in the morning when I saw my orchids starting to bloom. I went back inside the house to get my camera. It's been a while since I last took pictures of my flowers.

My heart leaped when I noticed this dragonfly on the bud. 

It stayed still and, oh, I so enjoyed the moment capturing it from different angles.

 This little winged thing just made my day!


Nelumbo Nucifera: LOTUS

Lotus is often mistaken as waterlily or the other way around. I, too, made the same mistake calling the waterlily in my garden as lotus. Though both kinds of flowers grow in water garden, they are entirely different plants.

The seed head in the middle is distinct to lotus flowers. It's one thing I look for to be sure it's lotus and not waterlily. It surely stands out and you wouldn't miss it.

The lotus seeds are edible and the seed head, when dried, is popularly used in flower arrangements.

Lotus is an important plant in Thailand which is a predominantly Buddhist country.According to legend, Buddha was born with the ability to walk and lotus flowers bloomed everywhere he stepped.

Aside from its religious importance, lotus is also a useful plant. The buds are sold everywhere to be used as offerings to Buddhist altars. The flowers, seeds, and roots are all edible, and the petals are often used as garnishing. A lotus leaf, which can grow as big as 60cm in diameter, is used as a wrap for food.

This week, I made some changes in my garden. I already have a spot for my future lotus plant. I can't wait to behold a lotus blooming in my own garden.


Exotic Orchids

Thailand is known for it's beautiful orchids. Here's sharing some of the photos I took during an Orchid Exhibit.

I have some orchids blooming in my garden these days but I thought I would wait until all buds are open. Also, my garden doesn't do well these days because of flooding. I hope I could go back to my normal gardening routine soon!